Medical Services

3,755 regular hospital beds and more than 6000 employees. In the year of 2021, the hospital has served 2,871,900 outpatients and emergency visits, discharged110000 inpatients.


Sufficient experts and proper echelon. The hospital has gathered with1003medical experts with senior professional titles, 1,515 postgraduates with PH.D. and master degrees, 25experts with special allowance from the State Council,1 expect won the title of“National Millions of Talents Project", 11 expects won the title of “Guangxi Thousands Talents Project", 4 expects won the “Advanced Individual in National Health System”.The hospital also has approved to build Guangxi Multidisciplinary Collaboration Health Management Talents Platform,which collaboratively develop the medical treatment,education and research together.


Advanced medical technology and obvious characteristics.It has received the national funding of complex and rare disease diagnosis and treatment capacity improvement project, and was approved to carry out the thalassemia prevention and control capacity improvement project.

About  The People’s Hospital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

Taoyuan District

International Medical Services

North District(Yongwu District)

The People’s Hospital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region was founded in 1941. It is the largest Class A tertiary comprehensive hospital in Guangxi initiated by the People’s Government of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and affiliated to the Health Commission of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Besides, the hospital directly managed the Guangxi Academy of Medical Sciences established in May 2021. The hospital and its’ academy mainly undertake the tasks of medical service, research, education, preventive care, rehabilitation and health management. Until now, It has 3,755 regular hospital beds and 5726  employees. In the year of 2022, the hospital has served 2,976,500 outpatients and emergency visits, discharged126900 inpatients.The hospital has been awarded the titled of“the National Advanced Institution in the National Health System”, “the National Advanced Institution in Fighting against the Coronavirus Disease ”, “the Nomination Award of the Chairman's Quality Award of the Autonomous Region”(ranked first), and “the Award of Models in Autonomous Region” successively in recent years. The hospital’s disciplines are complete and the advantages are obvious. At present, the hospital is the medical center of Guangxi. It has 7 “National Key Clinical Specialties” including gastroenterology, ophthalmology , nursing,otorhinolaryngology,kidney and endocrine. 1 “Key Speciality of The National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the "Eleventh Five_Year Plan", 6 “Clinical Medicine Research Centers”, 29 “Guangxi Key Clinical Specialties”, 22 “Guangxi Key Medical Disciplines”, 4 “Guangxi Key Maternal and Child Health Service Disciplines”, 18 “National Training Bases”, 20“Medical Centers of Autonomous Region”. The hospital has also been approved to establish Jinming Yu Radio Therapy Academician Workstation, build high standard platforms of precision surgery, organ transplantation, and joint laboratories of precision medicine with 2 academicians named Jiahong Dong, Honghao Zhou. Advanced medical technology and obvious characteristics.It has received the national funding of complex and rare disease diagnosis and treatment capacity improvement project, and was approved to carry out the thalassemia prevention and control capacity improvement project. The project related to complex and rare disease diagnosis and treatment capacity improvement has been entitled to special government allowance, and the project involved in improving the prevention and control capacity of the thalassemia has been approved. The hospital vigorously encourages technological innovation and promotes the development of disciplines through characteristic technologies. The quantity and quality of ECMO application ranks first in Guangxi and at the forefront in the country. It is the hospital that can carry out the most organ transplantation and tissue transplantation projects in Guangxi, and the number of organ transplant operations exceeded 700. The technology of minimally invasive surgery, transplant surgery, prevention and treatment of chronic and endemic diseases, severe treatment of infectious diseases, phacoemulsification surgery of cataract, coronary interventional diagnosis and treatment, multidisciplinary collaborative health management are keeping ahead in Guangxi and at the forefront in the country. The fourthgeneration Da Vinci surgical robot and various endoscopic minimally invasive surgical techniques are routinely operated in the hospital. Sufficient experts and proper echelon. The hospital has gathered with 1,031 medical experts with senior professional titles, 1,663 postgraduates with PH.D. and master degrees, 25experts with special allowance from the State Council,1 expect won the title of“National Millions of Talents Project", 11 expects won the title of “Guangxi Thousands Talents Project", 4 expects won the “Advanced Individual in National Health System”.The hospital also has approved to build Guangxi Multidisciplinary Collaboration Health Management Talents Platform,which collaboratively develop the medical treatment,education and research together. As a non-directly affiliated teaching hospital, we have achieved a breakthrough with the doctoral tutoring base. There are 15supervisors for doctoral programs and 102 for masteral programs. Besides, there are more than 30 national and autonomous region level training bases operated by our hospital, recruiting 2000doctors to attend standardized residency training, collaboratively trained 602 postgraduate with Wuhan University School of Medicine and Guangxi Medical University,we also accepted more than 800 interns every year. The hospital persists in the core of clinical application innovation and transformation, encourages innovation internally, utilizes top scientific research platforms such as Hopkins University and Peking Union Medical College Hospital as the sources of reference to establish a technological innovation system that meets the actual needs of the hospital. During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period,the biological sample bank was established;approved to established the first post-doctoral research station in the hospital in Guangxi.We also won 5 “Centers of Guangxi Clinical Medical Research”,40 “National Natural Science Foundation Projects”,79 “Guangxi Science and Technology Progress Award”,262 “Guangxi Appropriate Sanitation Technology Award”and 94 new technology projects have been declared. The hospital actively undertakes the responsibility as a largescale public hospital, and shoulders the important tasks of supporting the capacity improvement of primary hospitals,poverty alleviation through health, and assistance for medical emergencies.During the war fighting against COVID19 epidemic in 2020,the hospital fought in various ways,supplied experts to fought together with Wuhan,border cities,Hong Kong,Cambodia,and the African countries.built and operated the Guangxi"Xiaotangshan Hospital".The multiline antiCOVID19 showed our responsibilities and created a security line of defense to protect people's lives.Guangxi "Xiaotangshan Hospital" received 108 patients,including 81 confirmed patients,9 severe and critical patients.Guangxi "Xiaotangshan Hospital"is the designated hospital which received the largest number of patients carried coronavirus in Guangxi.We reached the achievements of the number of cured patients ranked first in Guangxi,zero death of patients and zero staff infection.Those achievements has been fully affirmed by the party committees, governments and from all walks of life.
The North Hospital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region People's Hospital (Yongwu Hospital) was founded in 1953, formerly known as Guangxi Agricultural Reclamation Hospital, and was renamed the First Branch of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region People's Hospital after it was merged into Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region People's Hospital in 2001. In order to facilitate geographical identification, with the approval of the Health Commission of the autonomous region, the name was officially changed to Yongwu Hospital of the People's Hospital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in August 2017. In January 2020, the Party Committee and the government of the Autonomous region decided to use the North Hospital District (Yongwu Hospital) as a designated hospital for the treatment of COVID-19 at the autonomous region level, and to build a temporary emergency ward and a peace and war combined ward according to two sets of plans, referring to the "Xiaotangshan Hospital" model. Under the leadership of the Party Committee of the hospital, the whole hospital has unified its thinking, and the North Hospital district has made outstanding contributions to the anti-epidemic work, and won the "National Advanced Collective against the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic", "National March 8 Red Flag Collective" and "Eight GUI Model". In August 2020, after the approval of higher authorities and the on-site review of medical institution practice review experts, the North Hospital District obtained the practice license of medical institutions of tertiary general hospitals, and was officially promoted to the national tertiary general hospital. In May 2021, through the "one certificate and multiple sites" review and verification, the development of multiple hospitals broke administrative barriers, and the North Hospital District entered the stage of high-quality development. The hospital covers an area of 195,087.21 square meters (about 292.6 mu), with a construction area of 83,7757.53 square meters, including 47,730.31 square meters of business occupancy. There are more than 700 employees and 510 beds. After several generations of hard work, the hospital has developed rapidly in recent years, and its comprehensive strength has been enhanced. Under the guidance of the overall thought of "one hospital and three districts" of the Party Committee of the People's Hospital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, the North Hospital District, Taoyuan Hospital District and East Hospital District implement the model of "integrated management, homogenized service and differentiated development", and are committed to allowing the surrounding masses to enjoy more high-quality and convenient medical services. Under the guidance of the development strategy of "Leading by Party building, focusing on culture and developing disciplines" of the Party Committee of the Hospital, Beiyuan District does a good job in the overall layout according to the current situation of discipline construction of the whole hospital, implements stratified construction and differentiated development strategy, gradually enhances its comprehensive strength, and continuously improves its medical service level and social benefits. The medical technology and talents of the North Hospital are under the integrated management of Guangxi Academy of Medical Sciences and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region People's Hospital. Now it has a number of advanced medical equipment and a reasonable structure, such as 1.5T NMR, vehicle mobile shelter laboratory, mobile negative pressure tent, External life support system (ECMO), 64-row 128-slice CT, full HD electronic gastroenteroscopy, liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry detection system, HD electronic laparoscopic system, hybrid lithotriptic cleaning system, mobile X-ray machine and so on Skilled, diligent and motivated talent team. After several years of development, the discipline construction of the North Hospital District is becoming more and more perfect, and the medical technical force is strong. The development of specialties is focused on the development of infectious disease treatment, endocrinology and metabolism, rehabilitation medicine, psychiatry, and emergency external manual microtrauma. In accordance with the concept of balancing emergency and long-term planning, it not only meets the public health needs of citizens in peacetime, but also facilitates the local people to seek medical treatment nearby. When there is an outbreak of infectious diseases or public health emergencies, it undertakes the task of emergency public health emergencies. The experts of each specialty outpatient clinic have a long time to visit, and there are optimized and reasonable medical procedures to effectively provide patients with humanized and high-quality services. Adhering to the ideal and belief of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region People's Hospital "people first, life first", Beiyuan has always practiced the original mission of "People's hospital for the people", carried forward the hospital spirit of "love, dedication, sincerity and innovation", and implemented the medical reform policy of convenience, benefit and benefit the people. Adhere to the first-class technology, first-class equipment, first-class service, first-class environment and wholeheartedly serve the life and health of the broad masses of people. Beiyuan Hospital District is positioned as a "leveling and emergency" hospital, which meets the normal needs of medical and health services on a daily basis, submits to the unified dispatch of the Party committee and government in response to sudden risks and other emergency times, and has been transformed into a major epidemic treatment base, which is the only national major epidemic treatment base in Guangxi planned by the Party committee and government at a higher level. The Party Committee of the hospital is far-sighted and makes overall plans for the future development of the North Hospital area. Planning and construction of Guangxi Academy of Medical Sciences Scientific Research office building, animal testing center, international conference center; Outpatient and emergency medical technology complex building, fever clinic building; 19-floor emergency medical treatment business complex building for public health emergencies, 13-floor specialty diagnosis and treatment center, 13-floor ward complex building, 15-floor ward complex building; Logistics office complex building, etc. In the future, the Beiyuan District will be based in Guangxi, radiating the central and western regions, facing ASEAN countries, focusing on public welfare comprehensive medical services, featuring the combination of regional high-quality disciplines and the prevention and control of infectious diseases, taking into account the needs of high-end medical care and health management, highlighting the concept of "Internet + medical" and the application of smart hospital entities. It can not only meet the public health service needs of citizens within the region and facilitate the nearby people to seek medical treatment, but also be used as an emergency treatment ward for batch patients and critically ill patients when there is an outbreak of infectious diseases or public health emergencies. It can meet the needs of suspected patients isolation, confirmed patients and critically ill patients, prevention and control command, coordination and medical resource allocation when the epidemic breaks out. Under the top-level design framework of integrated management of People's Hospital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, taking "one hospital and three districts" as an opportunity, the North hospital District is gradually constructed and developed through resource reorganization and optimization. In the next three years, through differentiated development ideas, we will base on the construction of advantageous disciplines, create key specialties with outstanding advantages, and become an influential third-level A general hospital in the region. On this basis, in the next ten years, we will strengthen a number of disciplines, establish the hospital brand, increase the business volume year by year, and build the North Hospital area into a large public third-level A hospital with fine management, quality first, sincere service, beautiful environment, patient and staff satisfaction, and more than 2,000 beds. Hospital contact number: 0771-3373120 (Emergency Department) 0771-3320150 (Outpatient office)